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Because work is not just behind a desk...

L'Oréal DE&I

On May 2024, we had the privilege of bringing together over 1,000+ L'Oréal Canada employees for our inaugural DE&I Symposium. It was an honor to share the stage with four incredible colleagues to discuss the impactful initiatives of our “Cultures and Origins” ERG.

#WeAreLOreal #LOrealCanadaDEI #Diversity #Inclusion


L'Oréal Luxe

Presentation at the Luxe Townhall, sharing my journey as DE&I Lead and unveiling the exciting activations planned for the year ahead in front of 150+ colleagues.

L'Oréal Canada Soccer Team

Co-founded and lead the L'Oréal Canada Soccer Team as part of the DE&I initiatives and the "Men at L'Oréal" ERG.

Managed team recruitment, organized try-outs, and handled seasonal league registrations, creating an inclusive space for employees to connect, stay active, and promote teamwork.

In March 2024, our team won the Réseau Sports Adultes Corporate Soccer Tournament in Lévis (QC), where 15+ companies from the Quebec City region participated.

Capture d’écran, le 2024-02-15 à 23.29.56.png

Diversity & Inclusion

As the Lead of L'Oréal Canada's "Cultures & Origins" ERG, I had the honor of organizing a conference to celebrate Black History Month 2024. The event, focused on diversity and inclusion in the workplace, aimed to inspire thoughtful discussions and promote a deeper understanding of how we can build more inclusive environments at work.

We had the honour to welcome Hassoun Camara (former MLS professional soccer player for CF Montréal) as a speaker. His conference "La diversité, votre plus grand atout" was very insightful and inspiring!


L'Oréal World Cup
Moscow 2019

After months of training, 300+ employees from 14 countries headead to Moscow (Russia) for the 2019 L'Oréal World Cup, a tournament of team spirited sports (soccer & volleyball). We were proud to represent Canada!

It was such an amazing adventure and we shared fabulous moments with our colleagues from all over the world.

I played in the soccer team and we finished 6th out of 14!


Défi Entreprises

I participated in the "Défi Entreprises" for a 10km run with L'Oréal Canada. "Défi Entreprises" is a simple, motivating and positive activity that mobilizes company teams towards achieving a common goal outside of the professional context.

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